(240) 334-6039

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When wildlife infests your property, their activities can cause extensive structural damage. The critters can also spread diseases and cause odor and mold problems. We are a wildlife control company that keeps your property free of the critters forever. Our services are suitable for residential and commercial properties. We get calls from homeowners who hear noise from their ceilings and suspect wildlife infestation. We also work on commercial properties and effect measures to keep critters out forever. We are fully licensed and insured to provide comprehensive wildlife control services. We are snake removal experts and remove the different types of snake found in the state. We also offer permanent solutions to rodent infestation. As opposed to pest control companies, we offer comprehensive services. Our approach to long-term wildlife control includes a 32-point inspection process where we identify the scope of the problem. We only apply humane methods such as exclusion and prevention. As experts in bat colony extraction, we completely extract large colonies of bats with humane methods. We only apply measures in line with the industry standards and stay abreast with the latest developments. We offer services at competitive prices. We give estimates over the phone and readily dispatch technicians for emergency services.